Thursday, January 30, 2020

New Entry: Lacuna Common Unveil New Single "Learn To Feel"

Oxford indie rock band Lacuna Common have unveiled their new single "Learn To Feel".

Speaking on the song, frontman Alfie Franks explains, “It’s a song about seeing the men around our hometown feel like they need to compete with each other to be this ‘alpha male’ character. It’s a pack mentality and a poison and it frustrates me. I don’t really like to write quote-unquote ‘political’ songs, but I felt like I needed to put this sentiment across. We’re not ‘the political band or ‘the band that doesn’t want to be the political band’ - there’s enough of both knocking around at the moment. We just write about what’s in front of us, good or bad.”

Grab it here and take a listen below.


Tags: Lacuna Common