Friday, September 02, 2022

Virgins Release New Single/Video "Signalling"

Belfast shoegaze duo Virgins have released the video for their new single "Signalling".

The song is taken from their upcoming debut EP ‘Transmit A Little Heaven’, which will be released by Blowtorch Records on October 14th.

Opening with swathes of choral shimmering reverb and an ethereal haunting vocal, this initial dreamy intro gives way to a grungier riff that wouldn’t be out of place on any 90’s Sub Pop record. Virgins alchemy comes in marrying these juxtaposing elements together to create a sound that in equal parts wraps you in clouds of ambient washed out reverbs while simultaneously keeping your head nodding along with fuzzed out guitars and hammering drums. 

Lyrically ‘Signalling’ is a wanton cry for more, of trying to fill an unending void and the frustrations found within that insatiable desire. This coupled with the impending inevitability that there is a permanent and definitive end for everything and the knowledge that this will come unsatiated. This against a layered back drop of dense and beautiful guitars that are drenched in fuzz and reverbs, dovetailing between creating a dense melting wall of sound to beautiful shimmering passages. The vocals are a whisper in your ear from a long forgotten ghost laden with regret, melancholia and a desire to return to a more innocent time.

Watch/listen below.