Friday, July 16, 2021

Watch: KYTES Share New Single/ Video "the beat is on hold"

Munich-based indie pop/rock quartet KYTES have the video for their brand new single "the beat is on hold".

From the band: “This is a refreshing, danceable and powerful tune. In times where we all are in desperate need of some extra motivation, the track feels even stronger. We were struggling with inspiration for new music. Our tour got postponed twice, we just had released a record shortly before lockdown. So when it came to writing new songs, we had to go down another path. We had to incorporate all these things that happened in the last year. A long break, lockdown, all the things we missed so badly and all the weird hypes like banana bread, home workouts, live streams and so on. Ultimately the song is our call for normality, but in the most positive and uplifting way, we could think of. ”

The song is out today (July 16) via Frisbee Records, stream it below.


Tags: Kytes