Thursday, August 04, 2022

Dream Dali Reveal New Single "Wicked Sunday"

Brisbane dark wave/psych band Dream Dali have revealed their new single "Wicked Sunday".

Known for their uniquely artistic live performances, Dream Dali's music is paired with white lighting, set to a backdrop of visuals from Dada films and black and white surrealist imagery from the 1930s, creating a truly mesmerising musical experience.

This new track further bolsters Dream Dali's mission to immerse listeners in their conceptual multi-sensory surrealist world of cinematic alt-dance-rock. 'Wicked Sunday' is abuzz with crunchy synths, a drama-filled dance-rock drum beat, and satisfying electric guitar atmospheres that are unashamedly 80s. The icing on the top of this cosmic cake is the song's evocative lyrics, delivered in lead singer Aldous Emerson's signature dreamy style.

Alluring and hypnotic, this is a superbly catchy tune that will have listeners dancing and shaking it all off. It's a dance-inducing triumph over heavy feelings and disappointment, as Emerson explains:

"Wicked Sunday is written about those times when you wake to a huge weight of the day. Exploring depression and trying to build yourself back up when you feel people have let you down."

Watch the video below.


Tags: Dream Dali