Friday, May 20, 2022

Watch: Black Monitor Drops New Single/Video "On A Wire"

Black Monitor
, the new solo project of David Schönnenberger (Davv/John Sars) has dropped the video for his new single "On A Wire". 

The song is taken from David Schönenberger new album 'Snake Of My Heart' set to be released on May 20th (vinyl/digital) via Ikarus Records.

Recorded during the last two years, the album was mixed by Renaud Lussier (live engineer of The Besnard Lakes and other bands from Montreal) at Breakglass Studio, Montreal CA.

With “Snake of my Heart”, Black Monitor releases his first solo record under this pseudonym. It features nine songs written and performed by David Schönenberger himself. 

Watch/listen below.

Tags: Black Monitor