Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Watch: YVETTE Shares New Single/Video "Contact High"

New York avant garde/experimental/neo-no wave artist YVETTE (aka Noah Kardos-Fein) has shared the video for his new single "Contact High".

The song is taken from his upcoming second album 'How The Garden Grows', which will be available on September 17 through Western Vinyl. Pre-order your copy here.

Keeping in line with one of the album's themes, the dynamics of control versus what cannot be controlled, Contact High investigates how our relationships (to ourselves as well as others) are mediated by our methods of communication. To this end, Kardos-Fein suggests that “Our experiences, communications, and memories are refracted, channelled through and carved by multiple means of instant communication and rapid-fire knowledge-sharing. Your presence can be pruned and cultivated. Ideas and systems can be distorted and co-opted in the blink of an eye. It’s beautiful, sublime, dangerous, and terrifying all at once. To what degree do we take these things for granted, on a daily basis passively accepting our heavily mediated reality? We are connected, but do we connect? We are talking to and hearing each other, but are we listening?”

Watch/listen below.