Thursday, July 22, 2021

Watch: FEELS Air New Single/Video "Trash Island"

Los Angeles punk rock/psych band FEELS have aired the video for their new single "Trash Island".

The song is taken from their new EP 'Subversive Reaction', out today, July 22 through Deemed Printable. Get your copy here.

"In a plastic world, disposable is eternal. "Trash Island" is all about painting modern society's love affair with plastic as the totally perverted, masochistic kink that it is. We wrote the lyrics from that twisted perspective- where the ultimate fantasy is to live on a trash island, referring to a cartoonized version of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, complete with beach umbrellas, lawn chairs and pink flamingos. We see it as a subversive reaction... romanticizing plastic into a love that will -by it's permanence- never abandon you, and -by it's lifelessness- never judge. The video, directed by Elizabeth Weinberg and filmed using solely drone footage, focuses on the four of us each in different desolate environments and heavily features the L.A. river- once a free-flowing natural water source modernized into a concrete duct that collects water from the gutters when it rains." 

They are currently working on their third full-length album, set for release on Wichita Recordings.

Watch/listen below.