Monday, November 25, 2019

Single of the Week November 25/2019: Superdrone "Firestone"

Our new SOTW is “Firestone" by Southampton, UK baggy/psych/stargaze band Superdrone.

The song is taken from their latest EP 'Creation', released last month via Shore Dive Records. Buy it here.

Firestone "is a mix of Manchester Indie from the early 90s enveloped in Indian Vibes. Sweeping in and out, panning from ear to ear, try to imagine the video, its colour flashes, collider-scopes and groovy 60s dancing, but not 60’s like that decade actually was, but the version that was emulated in the 90s, if there was an Austin Powers movie set in Manchester in 94, this would be the song on the trailer."

For fans of Ride, Happy Mondays, early Verve, Charlatans, Telescopes, My Bloody Valentine...

Stream it below.


Tags: Superdrone